Outstanding Alumni Testimonial: Anne Klinefelter, ’77
Anne Klinefelter is Director of the Law Library and Associate Professor of Law at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill. She teaches courses on privacy law and writes and speaks on information policy and law topics including privacy and confidentiality law, the First Amendment, copyright law, and licensing, particularly as these areas apply to libraries. Professor Klinefelter serves on the Advisory Board of the UNC Center for Media Law and Policy and of the Future of Privacy Forum.
Professor Klinefelter held leadership roles in two library consortia, serving as chair of the Consortium of Southeastern Academic Law Libraries and of the Triangle Research Libraries Network Council of Directors. Professor Klinefelter has taught Law Librarianship and Legal Research as well as Copyright Law for Librarians in the UNC School of Information and Library Science. She has also served as Acting Director of the Law Library at the University of Miami and held positions in the law libraries at Boston University and the University of Alabama.
Professor Klinefelter holds a Juris Doctorate (1992); Master of Library Service (1986); and Bachelor of Arts with majors in English and Spanish (1981), all from the University of Alabama. She is the daughter of Joanne Allen and James L. Klinefelter, both of Anniston. She currently resides in Durham, North Carolina, with her husband Michael Dorman, a software architect for NVidia.
What is your favorite memory during your time as a student at the Anniston Academy/The Donoho School?
I am sure I presented my share of challenges to the Donoho faculty. I still remember Mrs. Murray’s restrained response when I got confused and referred to The Scarlet Letter as the Red Badge of Courage. Mrs. Wingo and Mrs. Tiller and my fellow math students were magnificently tolerant of my consistent difficulty in completing math homework, even though I was on the math team. And Mr. Gorey just shook his head every time I turned in assignments on orange or hot pink paper despite his clear preference for the plain white variety. Kudos to him and to our librarian, Mrs. Smith, for helping me find information to write a term paper on the contraceptive pill, a controversial topic for a high school paper. I loved writing for the Gauntlet, the Penfeather, and the Lure, and I had a lot of fun being a cheerleader. Those were great years that helped shape my values and helped prepare me for many adventures that have come my way.
If you could leave one piece of advice to future Donoho students, what would that be?
Use the library.
More testimonials for Donoho constituents can be found by clicking HERE.