The Nominating committee of The Donoho Parents’ Association presents the following nominations as the slate of officers and committee chairs for the 2012-2013 school year. These nominations will be presented for election at the Annual DPA Meeting to be held in May. Should there be any additional nominations to these positions for the coming year, per DPA Bylaws, please submit these nominations in writing to Mrs. Sharon Burt no less than 5 days prior to the Annual May meeting. The Nominating Committee thanks these individuals for their willingness to serve in these positions. Please plan to attend the Annual DPA Meeting in May to vote for the new officers and committee chairs.
Elected Officers: President-Elect* Kelle Edwards
Vice Pres–US * Margaret Bateman
Vice Pres–MS* Shawn Green
Vice Pres–LS* Joy Steed
Treasurer* Shannon Thomas
Secretary* Jill Campbell
Elected Chairs: Athletics* Dana George
Co-Chair _____________
Fine Arts* Kim Athon
Fundraising* Debbie Garrett
Academic–US* Brian Simmons
Co-Chair–LS Kim Billings
Hospitality* Hope Allen
Nominating Chair Kim Athon
Nominating Co Sally Haynes
Donna Callan
* Designates Voting Member of DPA Steering Committee
Kim Billings,Chair
2012 Nominating Committee