Lower School Fall Festival – Friday, September 27, 2013

The Donoho Parents’ Association fall festival for our lower school students is quickly approaching! Make your plans to attend as we celebrate on Friday, September 27, 2013. For a list of fall festival week activities, please click HERE.

Below are deadlines to turn in order forms:

  • Order forms for t-shirts are due on Tuesday, September 24, to the lower school office. An order form can be downloaded from the website HERE.
  • Order forms for ticket wristbands are due on Wednesday, September 25, to the lower school office. An order form can be downloaded from the website HERE.

Can’t attend but want to donate for the bake sale? Contact Kim Billings at kimbbill@cableone.net or (256)283-5277.

Students will be able to purchase votes for their favorite teacher, enter the candy basket raffle and guess “how many kisses” each morning in the fall festival morning store. More information can be found HERE.

Don’t forget the pocket change drive! Students can begin bringing change to place in their homeroom jug on Friday, September 20. The collection will end of Friday, September 27, and the winning homeroom will be announced on Monday, September 30. Click HERE for all the details!

If you have any questions about the fall festival, or would like to volunteer, please contact Shannon Thomas via text at (256) 310-3100 or by email at autailgaters@yahoo.com.

**All fall festival proceeds will be donated to the “Defining the Difference: A Capital Campaign for The Donoho School” for the lower school cafetorium project.