Donoho Offers Online Coursework

We are excited to announce that eleven juniors are participating in a pilot program this semester at The Donoho School; they are earning their fine arts credit online.

Donoho continually works to improve students’ academic experience and to update curricular offerings to ensure our graduates are fully prepared for the rigors of college. Feedback from our alumni suggests that students need to experience an online learning opportunity before entering college since many college courses today include an online component.

Donoho has partnered with Aventa Learning to provide this opportunity. Aventa is approved by the College Board and was recently selected by the North Carolina Association of Independent Schools as their preferred provider of high-quality online learning experiences.

Students are supervised by one of Donoho’s faculty members in addition to having access to Aventa’s instructor. They are working at their own pace, and many have chosen to work at an accelerated pace. All students must finish their coursework by the end of Donoho’s semester, and those who finish early will be moved into a study hall for the remainder of the year.

We feel this is a valuable experience for our students and welcome any feedback.