Donoho Parents' Association

Donoho Parents' Association 2024-2025 steering committee

President: Brian Worley

Vice President Lower School: Shea Miller and Kristi Killingsworth

Vice President Middle and Upper Schools: Jennifer Tucker and Kelly Scott

Secretary: Brittany Fite

Treasurer/School Financial Liaison: Carol Hagan



Auction / Spring Fundraiser: Boyd McGehee

Book Fair: 

Daddy Daughter Dance: Amy Merritt

Falcon Pride: Matthew Elliot, Gina Johnson, and Jennifer Farrell

Fall Festival: Michael Turner

Fern Sale: Shea Miller

Fine Arts: Christie Welch

Hospitality: Christie Welch

Lunch Vendor Coordinator: Brian Worley

Mother/Son Event: Natalie Lindell/Hayley Loeken

MS/US Lunch Coordinator: Meg McLendon

Mum Sale: Ginger Glidewell

Prayer Breakfast: Wendy Kitchen

Teacher Appreciation: Kate McMillian 


Upcoming Events

Sip & Support Spring Auction

April 15, 2024

Viva Las Donoho Casino Night

March 11, 2023