The varsity volleyball team has qualified for the AHSAA Elite Eight State Tournament Wednesday and Thursday, October 28 and 29. Our first match will be at 11:00 A.M. Wednesday morning at the Birmingham Crossplex in Bessemer, Alabama. If we win at 11:00 A.M., we play again at 5:30P.M. The 1A Finals are scheduled for 6:00 P.M. Thursday. Admission is $10 for the day and parking is $3 per day.
*** Students who attend the tournament must bring back the attached form signed by a parent to one of the offices by 3:30 P.M. Tuesday afternoon and a phone call must be received before a student will be allowed to leave school Wednesday morning; students must check in with Mr. Connell or Ms. Faulkner at the tournament no later than the end of the first game of the match to be considered excused from class Wednesday morning (approximately 11:30 A.M.); all students are expected to attend their first period class and will be dismissed at the conclusion of first period (9:00 A.M.).
This form must be turned in and a phone call received by the school office before a student driver will be allowed to check out. Please be reminded that no student may leave the school with anyone other than HIS OR HER own parent or a parent-approved driver THAT IS twenty-one years of age OR OLDER.
***The school will provide transportation to students in grades 7 – 12 who would like to attend. Please email AD Paige Faulkner ( if your student would like to attend, but will need transportation by the school.
For Lower School Students:
**Parents of LS students should call the LS office by 3:00 pm on Tuesday if your child will be attending Wednesday’s game.
With all 7 classifications playing at one location and considering traffic, it has been suggested that departure from Anniston be two hours prior to the scheduled starting time to get parked and through the admissions gate.
Permission forms are available online, or you make pick up a hard copy in one of the school offices.
Go Falcons!
Paige Faulkner
Athletic Director