Shakespeare Festival Trip 2011 for Grades 7-12

Everyone in grades 7–12 will be traveling to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival in Montgomery on Wednesday, February 9. Students should arrive on campus no later than 6:15 A.M. We will take roll on the bus and leave promptly at 6:40 A.M. Students need to be attentive in class as English teachers review bus assignments. (Knowing which bus you are riding will help facilitate the boarding process.) Students will need to pack a sack lunch and a drink with a top that can be resealed. Be sure to bring enough to eat and drink as the trip is long and we will not stop. Cline Tours, our bus company, does not allow gum, sun flower seeds, Doritos, or Cheetos on the bus. Cell phones must be left on the bus or turned off prior to entering the theater. No other electronic devices (ipods, etc.) will be allowed in the theater. We expect to return to campus between 3:15 – 3:45 P.M.

*Students will be asked to call their parents on the return trip to let them know our approximate time of arrival at school. This call will prevent parents from sitting and waiting in the event we are running late or will prevent students from having to wait on parents to pick them up should we return earlier than anticipated.

Anyone who misses the bus or who does not come to school will be required to read the play and complete a related assignment; the field trip is considered a regular school day and attendance is not optional. Permission forms are due to the advisors no later than Friday, Feb. 4.

Dress for the day is important. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

Boys: Dress pants, dress shirt (no golf-type polo shirts), dress shoes and socks. No tennis shoes.
Girls: Dress pants, skirt or dress of modest length and coverage, dress shoes. No tennis shoes.

NO shorts, jeans or cargo-type pants or flip-flop sandals should be worn.

After-school activities such as practices should not be affected.