Middle School/Upper School Parents’ Night – Monday, August 23, 2010 at 6:00 P.M

Parents’ Night for the middle and upper schools is scheduled for Monday, August 23 at 6:00 P.M. Please note that the format for this year’s program has changed.

Parents will report to the room of their child’s advisor. (There will be signs posted inside each academic building indicating room assignments.) Your child’s schedule (which you will follow for the evening) will be given to you by his or her advisor.

For those who may arrive late, the schedules will be available in the offices. Be sure not to miss advisory if at all possible this year because a special presentation has been planned!

Other important notes:

  • Class periods will be seven minutes long.
  • Private music lesson sign-up will be in the front of the library.
  • Band, art, and choir classes will meet down front near the stage in the cafetorium.
  • PE classes will meet on the tile area of the cafetorium.
  • Speech classes and Fine Arts classes will meet in the US library in the computer lab area in the back.
  • Representatives from the parents’ association will be in the lobby areas with sign-up sheets for volunteer opportunities.