Donoho Alumni Association – November E-News

Dear Alumni,

It is hard to believe it is November!

We had a great time in October visiting with our young alumni who attend Auburn University, Birmingham-Southern College, Samford University, the University of Alabama and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Our college town tours are always popular among this age group, and we are encouraged to hear the success our students are having at their respective universities.

The class of 2012 received care packages in the mail from the school. The care packages contain lots of “junk food” and letters from several school representatives. The highlight of these packages is the cards made by the Kindergarten buddies of each senior.

Each year, The Donoho School is the recipient of gifts to the annual fund from loyal and caring constituents who support the mission and vision of the school. In an effort to be good stewards of the money we raise, the annual report this year is being published electronically. You can view the report by clicking here. Our goal is 100% participation from our alumni! Will you help support the “Donoho Difference” with a gift to the annual fund? Gifts can be made online by clicking here.

As we begin to make plans for the celebration of the school’s 50th birthday, we need your help in locating those alumni we have lost touch with over the years. Click here to access the most current list of these alumni. If you have current contact information, please email .

How can you get more involved and help with the alumni association?
· Help us locate contact information for all alumni! Click here to access the most current list of these alumni.
· Volunteer to be on the planning committee for the 50th birthday celebration! There will be many opportunities to get involved. The organization of these committees will begin in January 2013.
· Serve as a class agent for your class year! Class agents will assist the development office with gathering information about classmates, planning reunions and promoting philanthropy.
· Volunteer to serve on an alumni association board or committee! The development office would like to create an active alumni association board with various committees to help promote, sustain and be actively involved in engaging the school’s alumni.

The school would like to host alumni gatherings in the following areas in the spring of 2013 – Birmingham, AL; Huntsville, AL; Atlanta, GA. If you know of a great location or would be willing to host an event for local alumni in your area, please email

Have you looked at the electronic copies of the Gauntlet on our school website? Each year contains the senior section of the yearbook. Go check them out here!

Upcoming Alumni Events –

Friday, December 21 – Alumni Holiday Reception @ Classic On Noble (The Green Olive)
6 pm – 8 pm

Saturday, April 27, 2012 – 50th Birthday Gala
Location TBA
Join us for an evening of dinner, live/silent auction and dancing!
Hosted by the Donoho Parents’ Association

September 16, 2013 – 50th Birthday Celebration!
More details to follow about the events to celebrate the school’s 50th birthday!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter:
School Facebook
Alumni Facebook

Paige Faulkner
Director of Development and Marketing

P.S. In order for the Donoho Alumni Association to be effective, it needs your help! We need you to submit your information – change of address, engagements, marriages, births, deaths, career news – in order to help keep you and your classmates informed. Send in your information to