In preparing to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the school’s founding in September 2013, we would like to gather some information about our graduates. Below is a link to a short alumni survey that will provide vital data about your experience while a student, your post-graduate successes and your interest in alumni activities.
This is also an opportunity for alumni to update their current contact information so we can send you mailings and emails about events celebrating our 50th anniversary and future alumni updates.
Surveys have been sent to email addresses that are currently on file. The link to this survey can be forwarded via email to those for whom you have contact information. Please encourage your classmates to respond. Responding alumni will be entered into a drawing for one of two $50 Visa gift cards.
You may also update your information by sending an email to
Thanks in advance for completing this short survey!
Paige Faulkner
Director of Development and Marketing
P.S. Do you follow the Donoho Alumni Association page on Facebook? Click here to “like” our page.