Head of School Blog – Intro Letter

Dear Donoho Community,

I hope this letter finds you enjoying the relaxing days of summer and spending time with loved ones. The last couple of days have been pleasant on campus, with cool breezes and lots of sunshine. It’s my first time seeing the campus during the summer months, and I have to say it’s wonderful.

As of July 1, I officially started at Donoho and spent the first week meeting with faculty, parents, board members, and the occasional student who wandered onto campus to turn in paperwork. Charlie Olivas and his crew are hard at work cleaning, painting, mowing, and moving in preparation for the upcoming year. As well, faculty and staff are busy with all the tasks that need to be completed before students arrive.

This is the first letter of which will become a monthly blog you will receive highlighting what’s going on at Donoho. More than just another announcement letter, it will serve, I hope, to help you feel more connected with our students, teachers, and programs. My desire is that you will find these letters helpful and encouraging.

I’m excited about the upcoming school year and hope you will stop by if the opportunity presents itself.

All the best,

P.S. Please be sure to follow my tweets on Twitter (@JamesGHutchins) for glimpses inside our classrooms and other spaces on our campus.