Board of Directors Names New Head of School

The Donoho School Board of Directors has named Dr. James Hutchins as the next president and head of the school effective July 1, 2014. Dr. Hutchins comes from Darlington School in Rome, Georgia, where he has served since 2002 as a teacher and coach; dean; associate director; and middle school director. Currently, he is serving as the PK-8 director. He will succeed Janice Hurd who has spent fourteen years at Donoho, the first four as principal and the last ten as head of school.

Born in Anniston at Ft. McClellan, Dr. Hutchins was raised in Rome and was graduated from Coosa High School. He received a B.S. degree from Shorter College, an M.S. degree from Jacksonville State University, and an Ed.S and Ed.D from the University of Alabama.

Dr. Hutchins and his wife Renee have two daughters, Jordan and Katie.

Anniston Star Article – December 13, 2013
Donoho officials name new school president