A Time for Thanks
As Thanksgiving will soon be upon us, chock full of family and friend gatherings, turkey dinners, and of course, my favorite– pies, I thought it would be a good time to reflect on how thankful I am to be a member of the Donoho community and how many different groups within that community motivate, inspire, and support me daily. Donoho is a family, and like all families, we will disagree at times and have our conflicts, but also like families we will come together to be there for each other and celebrate our successes as one. We are dependent on each other and need each other to reach our potential and achieve the greatness we desire. More than anything, a great independent school is a family, and I am thankful for the family Donoho provides.
I am thankful for our students, the young and old, tall and short, loud and quiet, who provide purpose and meaning to our lives. Walking around school daily you see students who are happy, engaged in their studies, and most importantly, dedicated to being better in all aspects of their lives. They often help and support each other, display wonderful school spirit, and treat everyone with kindness. These wonderful young people also provide inspiration through their academic achievement, athletic prowess, and artistic talents. I have spoken often about providing opportunities to our students in order for them to pursue their passions. I see this passion daily. They also make me laugh, smile, and feel appreciated. Anyone who is having a bad day should spend just fifteen minutes in the Lower School where the smiles and warmth of everyone can’t help but raise your spirits.
I am thankful for our faculty who dedicate their lives to their students. They come early, stay late, and work hard to educate and inspire their charges, and they do it all with kindness and compassion. They are truly remarkable. What most people don’t see is all of the extra things we ask of our faculty. Each day there will be calls for volunteers or help covering duties and other pleas for support, and each day these calls for assistance are not only answered but answered with a smile. They are the true leaders of the school, and it is their dedication that makes the school move forward and grow.
I am thankful to the other groups who may not be here daily but who provide us so much in time, resources, and spirit. Our parents and extended families who man the concession stands, plan big community events, or come whenever they can to serve lunch are greatly appreciated. They have entrusted us with their children and understand it is everyone’s responsibility to do what they can to help our students succeed. Our alumni help us both financially and through their stories of success, and they inspire future alumni and show the myriad of possibilities that await a Donoho graduate. The impact they have on our school cannot be understated or underappreciated.
So as we enter this season of thanks, I hope everyone in our community takes the time to appreciate all we have, what we mean to each other, and how together we have no limits to our success. There truly is much to be thankful for.
Go Falcons!
David J. Noone