Don’t laugh, I know we had a “snow” day last week but the buzz of Spring can definitely be felt in the halls of Donoho. With so many events, activities, and decisions on the horizon, the pace is quick (and at times relentless), students are excited, and the calendar is filling quickly. Trips, performances, and competitions loom, as well as college visits, college decisions and graduation. The next four months are going to be a blur of activity, culminating in the most emotional day of the year as we send our seniors on their way to the greater world and to greater accomplishments. Having a senior myself, I am already getting emotional thinking about that day and handing him his diploma.
Given all that is happening, I do want to offer some advice to everyone. Let’s take time to enjoy this crazy, hectic, wonderful time. Often in the whirlwind of activity and stress, we forget to reflect on how fortunate we are to be part of a community with so many wonderful opportunities, and more importantly, so many wonderful young people. We all run here and there, sign up for this, pack for that at a pace where we forget to simply enjoy being with our children and watching them grow and mature, succeeding and sometimes failing, but always making us proud. For everyone’s benefit, let’s not forget this spring.
Memories are derived from experience. Great and meaningful memories come from an unforgettable experience which we share with others. Let’s take the time to make great memories.
Go Falcons!
David J. Noone