With your support, The Donoho School has reached $50,000 in 50 Days! We are proud to announce that due to generous donations, the Donoho Fund total is currently at $51,070.45.
Your gifts will help support the following:
- Necessary resources to ensure a quality college-preparatory curriculum
- A comprehensive foreign language program in grades K-12
- Enhanced technology capabilities
- Professional growth opportunities and competitive salaries for faculty
- Enrichment teachers for the Lower School
- A comprehensive athletic program in the middle and upper schools
- A comprehensive fine arts program in the lower, middle and upper schools
- And The Donoho Difference!
The Donoho Fund goal for the 2013-2014 fiscal year is $75,000.00. If you have not made a gift to the Donoho Fund, please consider making a gift today and help us reach our fiscal year goal by June 30, 2014. To make a gift online, please click on the link that follows.
Each gift, no matter the amount, touches the lives of our students and faculty. Thank you for your investment in Donoho!
Janice D. Hurd
Mom of Jennifer (’93), Toni (’97) and Adam (’00)
Grandmother of Emma (’22), Zoe (’24), Addie (’25) and Cooper (’26)