This past Tuesday, Freshman, Cailin Campbell, spoke at the Anniston Rotary about the Donoho service program, Snack Sacks. Snack Sacks started originally by Samantha Strunk ’17, provides healthy snack food to selected students of a local elementary school each weekend. Cailin re-energized the program, noticing that it was not in operation last year. This newly revamped program is now providing snacks to approximately 40 students each week. Cailin provided Rotary with an overview of the program, its history, and a request for funding in the future.
“It’s really great to see it happen,” Campbell said of the initiative. “It’s been great to have the older kids help me and them be able to really show me what it’s like to be a leader.”
Cailin, we are proud of your leadership and initiative, and we are excited to see how you will continue to grow the Snack Sacks Program in the future. Way to go!