Come Be Our Guest!

The Donoho School’s drama department is excited to announce that the spring production for the 2013-2014 school year will be Beauty and the Beast. Performances will be held at the Anniston High School auditorium Friday, May 2, and Saturday, May 3.

Closed auditions will be held on Monday, January 27, 2014 beginning at 3:30 pm in the school’s choir room. Students in grades 7-12 who wish to audition should prepare a song from the Broadway Musical version of the show and act it out as it is sung. Specific audition song selections are posted outside Mrs. Burrage’s room in the Fine Arts building or can be downloaded HERE. Students should choose a song that best showcases their vocal abilities.

For more information on audition requirements, please see Mrs. Burrage. There will also be informational flyers posted on campus with audition information as well.

We hope you will be our guest May 2-3, 2014!