Dear Falcon Fans:
It is hard to put into words how excited the school and especially our teams and staff are to begin this fall sports season with such a nice, new and welcoming athletic facility. We realize that without your support and that of many others, a new building project of this kind would not be possible. In order for everything to run smoothly and for the safety of our fans, there will be some new guidelines implemented on game nights.
- For the first time, Donoho will have a no passes out policy. This means that once fans enter the stadium by purchasing tickets, they will not be able to leave the confines of the stadium and reenter. Students should not leave the stadium unless they are leaving the game/campus for the night. Most all schools have this type policy, and we must abide by it and respect the faculty ticket-takers by not asking for exceptions. This also means that our students will be in a safer environment while at the game and will be able to enjoy sitting in the stands, watching the game, and cheering on the Falcons.
- All fans are asked to enter the stadium on the left side of Sproull Gymnasium. Falcon Pride Passes and student passes will be taken to the right of the ticket booth. It will be important to have your passes ready to present. Students will be provided a wrist band at school on game day Fridays to be quickly and easily identified. General admission tickets will be sold to the left of the ticket booth.
- Please do not attempt to enter the stadium on the right side of the gym. The visiting team will be using an area behind the gym that is separated from the fans by a wall and will enter and leave from this side. Please respect their team privacy.
- There will be special weekly passes for all game-day workers including those working concessions, parking lots, chains, and stats, as well as those providing hospitality for the officials.
- Parking behind the gym will be very limited and reserved for just a few workers and coaches each game.
- Security officers and Donoho staff will be in place to help if you have questions.
We hope everyone enjoys the new facility and wish to thank all who have made it possible. Please enjoy the games and help us make some new Falcon memories!