Each year, Donoho sports teams rely on the generosity of family and friends to support the athletic program. 2012-2013 will be no exception. Last year in our attempts to increase funding, consolidate fund raising efforts and offer more value to Falcon fans, the Donoho School Parents’ Association introduced an exciting new menu of Falcon Pride Membership Packages. These new packages were more economical, offered more perks and limited the times you are contacted by the school to support the athletic program. These same packages will be offered again this year with a few changes reflected on the listing below!
Below you will find links to the forms detailing information about ads, banners, Falcon Pride membership and reserved seating . Items can be purchased on an individual basis, but you will find bigger savings in the larger packages. Certainly, the highlight of last season was the availability of reserved home seating. We hope that you will seriously consider making a commitment to the Donoho Falcons.
Falcon Pride Membership Packages
Falcon Pride Order Form
Falcon Pride Reserved Seating
Once you have made a selection, simply print and complete the attached forms and return them to DPA Falcon Pride, The Donoho School, 2501 Henry Road, Anniston, Alabama, 36207. Ads and banners must be submitted to donohosportsprogram@gmail.com by August 15, 2012.
Parents of senior football players will receive priority seating. The deadline for senior parents to receive priority seating has been extended to July 31, 2012. All other seats will be assigned by date of postmark.
Your involvement is a key part of the continued success of The Donoho Falcons sporting programs. We hope that you find these opportunities as exciting as we do, and we thank you in advance for supporting our Donoho student-athletes.
Dana George
Mom of Peyton ’13, Cory ‘18 and Noah ‘23
Athletic Committee Chair
Sally Haynes
Mom of Sallie-Grace ‘19
2012-2013 DPA President
P.S. Thank you for your support of Donoho athletics! Don’t forget to check the website at www.donohoschool.com/athletics for up-to-date information on athletic news, schedules and scores.