Outstanding Alumni Testimonial: Griffin Doster Fry, ’76

Mrs. Griffin Doster Fry is a dedicated wife, mother and daughter who is committed to the community in which she resides. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kenyon College in 1980 and has been involved with the alumni association of the college serving as the vice-president of the regional alumni association in the greater Atlanta area.

Mrs. Fry has also served as the former board chair and chair of annual fundraising events for the Training and Counseling Center and is a board member of the Atlanta Shakespeare Tavern. Mrs. Fry is a former vestry member and was the stewardship chair at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.
Mrs. Fry currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband, John Fry, ‘76. She is the daughter of Charles and Juliette Doster of Anniston.

What is your favorite memory during your time as a student at the Anniston Academy/The Donoho School?

One morning my hem completely fell out of my dreadful, plaid uniform skirt. I made a beeline for the bathroom. Several girls heard my distress call and spread out all over school in search of office supplies. In fewer than five minutes between classes, I was stapled and scotch taped back up and back in business. But lest this be a problem again, they topped it all off with duct tape for reinforcement. That hem has not moved in four decades. I remember this fondly because it was an early encounter with the fact that if you get good, smart women together, much can be solved.

If you could leave one piece of advice to future Donoho students, what would that be?
Your resume’ will get you in the door; how you treat others will get you promoted.

More testimonials for Donoho constituents can be found by clicking HERE.