Once again the Donoho Parents’ Association is sponsoring their annual Mum Sale! And you do not want to miss out on these GORGEOUS mums…just in time for fall!!
Where: Lower and Upper Schools Pick-Up
Deadline to Place Orders: Friday, August 30th
**Order forms are available in each school office or by clicking HERE.
$12.00 each (10-inch pots)
5 Color Choices
Great gifts for that special teacher, parents, neighbor, secretary, boss, and coach! Don’t forget to include a few for yourself!
**** If you are interested in assisting with the mum sale, either unloading the delivery trucks on Friday morning or loading vehicles on Friday, please let Trista know! Great way to get involved in the DPA and meet more parents!
Questions? Call Trista Barrentine at 205-936-2567 or by email at barrentinetf@aol.com.