Donoho Stories: Mrs. Jennifer Senter

What sets The Donoho School apart is our faculty. These individuals provide the living curriculum for Donoho students in and out of the classroom.

Donoho Stories: Miss Megan Williams

What sets The Donoho School apart is our faculty. These individuals provide the living curriculum for Donoho students in and out of the classroom.

Host Families Needed

The Donoho School has partnered with gphomestay! Gphomestay is an educational service company that provides quality homestays for international students who attend American high schools.

Donoho Stories: Mrs. Melissa Smyly

What sets The Donoho School apart is our faculty. These individuals provide the living curriculum for Donoho students in and out of the classroom.

Donoho Stories: Mrs. Donna Plunkett

What sets The Donoho School apart is our faculty. These individuals provide the living curriculum for Donoho students in and out of the classroom. Each week we will feature a member of the faculty and his or her story. We hope you will enjoy getting to know our faculty members throughout the school year and will stop by each week to read the latest Donoho Story!