Drama Department Announces Cast for Spring Play

The cast list is up and the rehearsals are about to begin for the C.S. Lewis classic, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” The drama department is already beginning the set construction for the spring play, set to be performed on Friday, May 6th, and Saturday, May 7th. Audiences young and old alike will cherish this production of the first in the series The Narnia Chronicles.

Aslan – Justin Foster
White Witch – Melissa Patterson
Lucy – Lesli Williams
Edmund – Willy Coker
Peter – Zach St.Clair
Susan – Nisha Kashyap
Unicorn – Katie Athon
Centaur – Cowan Angell
Tumnus – Joseph Webb
Mr. Beaver – Raj Kashyap
Mrs. Beaver – Kelly Nelson
Fenris/ Father Christmas – Jake Ulrey
Ulf – Sarah Storey
Dwarf – Jacob Jones
Elf/Army Member – Chris Carr
Elf/Fairy – Meredith Howell
White Stag – Madison Huckaby
Army Captain – Axis Heathcock
Fairy Messengers – Mary Elizabeth Mathison, Kirin Heathcock, Kylie Burton and Wilnadia Murrell