The Redge and Jeanie Thagard Honor Scholarship seeks to identify, attract, and award a new rising seventh-grade student who has demonstrated distinction in academics, character, and has shown potential for leadership. The Honor Scholarship is based on academic performance. One Honor Scholarship in the amount of full tuition will be awarded annually, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year. This scholarship will be renewed on a yearly basis providing the recipient maintains an exemplary academic and deportment record. An application packet is available by contacting Katie Newton, Head of Enrollment Management and College Counseling, or can be downloaded from the links below. The packet should be submitted to her by Friday, March 31, 2025. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Candidates will be invited to The Donoho School for testing and interviews. No preparation is necessary for the testing.
Online Admission Application Form
Honor Scholarship Criteria
Honor Scholarship Principal or Counselor Recommendation Form
Honor Scholarship Math Teacher Recommendation Form
Honor Scholarship English Teacher Recommendation Form
The Patricia K Smith Arts Collaborative Scholarship is currently awarded. We will accept new applicants for the 2027-2028 school year. This scholarship seeks to identify, attract, and award a new rising 7th to 11th grade student who has demonstrated distinction in academics, character, and fine arts. The Donoho Arts Collaborative scholarship is based on distinction in the arts. The scholarship is renewable on a yearly basis providing the recipient maintains an exemplary academic and deportment record. An application packet is available by contacting Katie Newton, Head of Enrollment Management and College Counseling, or can be downloaded from the links below. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Candidates will be invited to The Donoho School for testing, interviews, and arts audition. No preparation is necessary for the testing.
Online Admission Application Form
Donoho Arts Collaborative Scholarship Criteria
Donoho Arts Collaborative Scholarship Principal or Counselor Recommendation Form
Donoho Arts Collaborative Scholarship Math Teacher Recommendation Form
Donoho Arts Collaborative Scholarship English Teacher Recommendation Form
The Liberty National Scholarship is an endowed scholarship for African-American students. The scholarship may be awarded to assist a student who currently attends The Donoho School, or has been accepted for admission to the school. The scholarship awarded may cover up to 50% of the yearly tuition and can be renewed on a yearly basis as long as the student remains in good standing. The recipient must have demonstrated that he/she possesses the requisite skills, aptitude, abilities, and desire for success necessary at The Donoho School. He/She must also show that financial assistance is required in order to attend or continue attending The Donoho School.
Applicants should follow the application process for admission and complete the financial need analysis with FACTS beginning March 1, during open enrollment. Application, teacher recommendation forms and the link to FACTS can be found on The Donoho School website under Admissions Process. The admissions process must be completed by March 1st for consideration.
The Dr. Allan E. Strand Scholarship is an endowed scholarship to be awarded to a rising seventh-grade student who currently attends The Donoho School, or has been accepted for admission to the school. The awardee, who otherwise would not be able to attend or continue to attend the school due to financial circumstances, should demonstrate the ability and desire to succeed academically and possess an individual interest in fine arts and/or athletics. The scholarship awarded will cover 100% of the yearly tuition and can be renewed on a yearly basis as long as the student remains in good standing.
*The Dr. Allan E. Strand Scholarship is currently awarded. A yearly announcement will follow this scholarship to confirm its availability and new applications will be encouraged at that time.
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