Donoho Band Director, Mr. Dave Swinney, was ecstatic about our student chair placements in the 2019 Calhoun County Honor Band. According to Swinney, this was the highest chair placements ever received from a group of students participating.
Honor band participants auditioned last Thursday against students from various schools within the county. They spent Friday afternoon and Saturday morning learning the music and rehearsing with the Calhoun County Honor Band for a performance given on Saturday afternoon.
The opportunity to rehearse and play with other band students is a good learning and fellowship experience.
Our Donoho students earned the following chairs in the 2019 Calhoun County Honor Band; Isabella Nelson (3rd chair), Hannah Salame (1st), AJ Long (4th), Benji Coleman (1st), Chloe Cater (3rd), Chloe Phillips (11th), Trevor Crow (1st), Sam Payne (3rd), Anna Amaral (1st), & Sanjana Mupparaju (1st).
We are so proud of our Donoho musicians!